Thursday, April 21, 2016

17 months

17 months!! 
These monthly pictures are getting near impossible to take! He was too bored in his usual chair so we moved to the big recliner in the bonus room :) This kid gets a little more active every day-if that's possible- but also a little more cuddly lately too :) He's very sweet, likes to give 'loves' to his family and stuffed animals, and is always very concerned about where all of his friends and family are!
He's wildly entertaining, as always, and talking more and more every day. Now that he's mastered his letters and sounds, he's moved on to sight words and makes mommy and daddy spell words ALL day long. We have foam letters, magnetic letters, giant letters... Any kind his little heart desires! His favorite words right now are 'run' and 'bum', he's great at spelling those. 'Rock- roll' is another favorite saying :)  He recently went through a phase where he was looking pretty skinny- but has just started to chub up again, thank goodness! Always a good eater, sausage and berries every morning, avocado with lunch, and requesting 'cream cream' after dinner most nights. His cute little face is hard to say  no to! 

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