Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Thanksgiving at Grammy and Papa's house! So many new places to drive trucks at this house :)

A rare moment where our baby sat still and we got a quick family pic! He got tired right before our thanksgiving feast... 
So mommy and daddy had plenty of time to eat all the yummy food! We saved him a giant plate, he was a big fan of the mashed potatoes and fruit salad ;) 
Payton in the kitchen- the girls did a ton of the cooking and it was delicious! 
Present from Uncle Tom's mom- an amazing handmade quilt! 
Fixing the vcr...
Warm enough to play outside awhile! This kid loves to swing!
When we got home, he sprawled out on his new quilt- just learned how to say 'star', so he's very excited about all the stars on this blanket!! 

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