Wednesday, November 18, 2015

12 months!! Birthday boy!

Can't believe this little baby is now a big 1 year old!! What a fast and crazy year. It's incredible how much he's grown and changed (especially his hair!) We have quite the little goofball on our hands these days, he is a hilarious and rambunctious little boy! He's as loud and as vocal as ever, and we've counted about 11 or 12 words that he has now (not including the made-up ones- his favorite work right now is "tickum!"). He loves to mimic animal sounds, and also any facial expression he thinks is funny :) He mastered walking in about a week and now tries to run everywhere- leading with his tummy- and mommy and daddy have had to re-baby proof the house! Still obsessed with trucks, and has so many new places to drive them now that he is more mobile. One of his favorite activities is wrestling, and he can give daddy a run for his money! He's fascinated with light switches, fans, tiny buttons, putting lids on containers, and really any gadget that he can turn off and on. Quite the independent little bugger, even trying to use his own fork and spoon now :) Loving books and starting to point out objects in the pages when he knows the words. Still a great eater, doesn't go a single day without berries, his new favorite. Sleeping well but always up and at 'em by about 530am. This kid has things to do!! What a happy little guy he is :) 

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