Friday, November 27, 2015

Party time... Presents!

Just talking to Tutu and Grandma Haynes, waiting for the party to get started! We had to wake him up to join the party, and he was quite happy about it!
Opening his helmet... And FOUR WHEELER! From Auntie Montessa! 
Typical boys, all gathered round the new 4 wheeler ;) 

Gifts galore! Good thing we had a lot of helpers to open all the presents! 
The boys gathered again, this time talking about dogs :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

12 months!! Birthday boy!

Can't believe this little baby is now a big 1 year old!! What a fast and crazy year. It's incredible how much he's grown and changed (especially his hair!) We have quite the little goofball on our hands these days, he is a hilarious and rambunctious little boy! He's as loud and as vocal as ever, and we've counted about 11 or 12 words that he has now (not including the made-up ones- his favorite work right now is "tickum!"). He loves to mimic animal sounds, and also any facial expression he thinks is funny :) He mastered walking in about a week and now tries to run everywhere- leading with his tummy- and mommy and daddy have had to re-baby proof the house! Still obsessed with trucks, and has so many new places to drive them now that he is more mobile. One of his favorite activities is wrestling, and he can give daddy a run for his money! He's fascinated with light switches, fans, tiny buttons, putting lids on containers, and really any gadget that he can turn off and on. Quite the independent little bugger, even trying to use his own fork and spoon now :) Loving books and starting to point out objects in the pages when he knows the words. Still a great eater, doesn't go a single day without berries, his new favorite. Sleeping well but always up and at 'em by about 530am. This kid has things to do!! What a happy little guy he is :) 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Happy first birthday, Maddax!!

Birthday morning surprises! He saw the truck and stopped, pointed, and said 'vroom vroom!' He was so excited! I think mama and daddy were almost more excited than the birthday boy though!
Must be the truck of his dreams ;)
It took awhile to get to the other presents!
This kid sure loves books!!
A devoted daddy, pushing him through the yard in the dark :)
Playing with the crazy elephant after nap!
Out shopping with mommy and Na for birthday party supplies!
And to finish the day- dinner at Texas Roadhouse. It's mommy and daddy's favorite- and apparently Ax's favorite too! He ate all the toppings off both our salads, half a roll, and most of his mashed potatoes and mac & cheese. A birthday can make a kid hungry!!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Shoulder ride!

It's a wonder this mama has any hair left!!


Shopping with Na and Tutu! Maddax thought he we pretty cool sitting on tutu's lap ;) We tried to mix in a little fun at the end, but he wasn't too impressed with the moving animal... Kinda just looked at mama like she was crazy! 

Early birthday present

Maddax loves his new picnic table! Was quite the helper putting it together :) he's too busy to sit down at it, but mommy found out pretty quickly that he can climb all the way on top and just hang on to the umbrella!
Thanks for the early birthday present, Na and Papa Tom!!