Saturday, October 10, 2015

11 months!

11 months old!! Hard to believe its almost been a year since this wild little baby came into our lives. This past month has been one of our most favorites. So enjoyable to watch this little baby grown and learn! He learns something new every day and seems to get happier and happier as the days go by :) we now have a walker on our hands!! Just started this week, it's hilarious- when he takes his time to get his balance, he can go just about as far as he wants to. But he's so full of energy and so determined to run, it looks like he's trying to river dance across the room! He never stops moving- whether walking, crawling, wrestling his stuffed football or just kicking his legs in his stroller, he's always on the go. One of his new favorite activities is clapping- and you can bet money he'll clap every single time you say 'Yay!', turn on Mickey Mouse, or get him out of the car seat! Still jabbering a million miles an hour, mimicking several animal sounds, and loving the word 'no-no'! He calls all food and drink 'num nums' and is still a very good eater (especially now that he has his first bottom molar)! Avocado, oranges, strawberries and yogurt are his current favorites. Never leaves a room without a truck in his hand, and makes mommy and daddy stop anytime we see wheels in motion.... Which is often! He's growing so fast, we had to get him a big boy car seat which he loves. We absolutely adore this little boy!! 

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