Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloween jammies

Love these new skeleton jammies! Thanks, Gracie and Carter!! The best part is they glow in the dark- pretty hilarious to watch Ax on the monitor when we put him to bed, he couldn't quite figure out why his arms were glowing ;)

Play day with the girls!

Happy birthday Payton!! Ax and I got lucky, we got to spend the whole day with the girls! While he napped, we made birthday cupcakes... A whole bunch of them! 
A few of our masterpieces...
We headed to Wahooz for lunch and games! This growing baby ate an entire grilled cheese sandwich (minus the crust) and half a hamburger patty! He thought it was pretty awesome to eat with the girls :)
These games are fascinating!!
We had so much fun! This baby was toast when we left! Poor daddy had to stay home sick, but these sweet girls brought him prizes to help him feel better :) 


A little evening stroll to a nearby park. Ax got to swing, Theo got to run... Everyone was happy :) 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Pumpkin patch

Checking out the petting zoo at Linder farms. There were no cows, but Maddax moo'ed at every animal!! 
He has no fear... Lucky the animals didn't want to bite his little fingers! 

We hopped on a hayride to go find our pumpkins! 
Getting down and dirty, finding the perfect pumpkin! 
Uncle Tom's 100lb pumpkin! 
Payton found her perfect one :)
Ax found some pretty great sticks and leaves to taste. His favorite part of the day was watching the wheels on the tractors!! 

New camera!

Ah! I love this picture!!
My favorite pictures with this new camera so far! So much fun, I think he's getting used to me following him around with a camera... Constantly...! 

Little but loud!

There couldn't be a more perfect shirt for this kid. Thanks, Na!