Monday, September 14, 2015

10 months!!

10 months old!! This post is a bit late, but we've been having way too much fun to stay on time! We didn't think it was possible, but this little boy gets to be more fun, and funny, every day! Can't believe 10 months have flown so fast. He is getting so big, and has quite the personality these days. He's just a happy, busy, loud little baby who adores monster trucks, Mickey Mouse, and anything with wheels or a motor. He pulls himself to standing on anything, even walls, and is frustrated that he can't climb like Spider-Man. He walks along furniture, does squats, and has finally mastered the 'normal' crawl (though the army crawl still makes an occasional appearance)! He loves to knock over anything stacked, loves any object that is forbidden, and now crawls to outlets on the wall (and chords!) and says 'no-no'... But then tries to play with them anyways! He can cruise anywhere in his walker these days, crawl up our entire staircase without pausing, and we are just waiting for those first steps because he is so close! He's a happy little guy, usually just smiling or laughing, and has even been caught taking a small break to cuddle his mommy and daddy lately :) Turning into such a sweet and fun little boy!! 

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