Friday, August 14, 2015

9 months!

9 months old!!
The days are flying by, but they are filled with fun and lots of laughs! This baby is hilarious!! His personality is quite unique, he's a wild, happy, independent, stubborn, and genuinely sweet boy. He has a new fascination with monster trucks and anything else with wheels- he will play forever by himself with just a truck or two! Likes to drive them all over the new house, especially on the hardwood, up the walls and on a stair or two if he can reach it :) he also loves to play with balls and any toy that makes a cool sound. He can get most anywhere on his own, still has his own creative version of a crawl, and has recently mastered the plank and downward dog. He is so close to pulling himself up- mama is afraid he'll be standing in his crib soon!
Still loves his crib, sleeping like a champ, and eating almost anything he's given. Has been loving Popsicles in this hot weather, especially since he seems to be getting new teeth every day! We are up to 8 now, 4 on top and 4 on bottom, and he still puts anything and everything into his mouth if he can. He's been swimming several times this month, still in lessons, and gets a bit braver each week.
He loves to copy sounds and actions, and will throw his arms up in the air if mommy or dad yell "touchdown"! Waves good-bye and is working hard to figure out how to clap :)
Wearing mostly 12 month clothes now, with a pair of 18 month jammies that fit pretty well. Big, happy, healthy boy!!

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