Saturday, May 9, 2015

6 months!!

6 months old!!
Time is flying by! This crazy baby gets louder, happier, and funnier every day :) He's growing like a weed, wearing 6-9 month clothes and eating like a horse! He's tried several new fruits and veggies, but avocado, banana and sweet potato are still his favorites. Likes oatmeal more than rice cereal, and has started taking some whole fruits in his mesh feeder. We've been camping several times, he loves the outdoors so much that he fusses when it's time to go back inside! We have a new nanny, Auntie Averee, and he loves her very much! She is great at keeping his busy body entertained :)
Still has just the two bottom teeth, but chews on EVERYTHING in sight! Mommy and daddy have to start baby-proofing this house. Loves his walker, scoots all over the place, and is trying his hardest to figure out how to crawl. Making lots of new sounds, ba-ba and ma-ma mostly, and mommy likes to pretend he knows her name :) Reaches for toys and throws them, plays fetch with his parents, rolls all over the place (especially while getting dressed!) and is getting better at sitting up on his own. Sleeps 11 hours straight sometimes at night now and takes 2 good naps a day. Getting so big, so fast! 

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