Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wild man!

Helping mama make new baby food... Peaches and zucchini. Loved them both! Shrieked and squealed the whole time we cooked :)
Uh, mom?? A little help please! In dad's words: "he's a chubby ball of chaos!" 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

More cabin fun

Having fun with papa in the swing!
Hanging by the campfire with daddy!
Just relaxing in the hammock :)
Testing out the new mesh feeder- this kid will eat food however you give it to him! Figured the cabin was the perfect place to make a giant mess of bananas ;)
On a buggy ride, loving the fresh air

First buggy ride!

First buggy ride! We all squished inside Payton and Elli's buggy and did a lap around the cabin... Daddy went very slow :) We got brave later and rode the big one just across the road, this baby loved it! 
Holding on tight!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Silly baby :)

Look mom, no hands!
More peas, please!! Delicious!
Move over, mom, we're watching MY show now!

Camping weekend

Just swinging with Grammy and cousins! Beautiful weather :)
Too cool for words 
Hanging out in the camper, this walker is absolutely his favorite!
Happy camper! This swing was just the right size.... He never let go of that rope ;)
Elli said she wouldn't smile... But I tricked her...!
Testing out the 4-wheeler with Papa. Too little to ride, but getting a feel for it!
Grammy turned it on so he could feel the vibration... This kid loves movement! 
Breaking in the new bathtub in the camper, squeaky clean!
Maddax actually loved everything about this weekend, he's definitely an outdoor kiddo! Looking forward to many more camping trips :)

Monday, April 13, 2015

A day at the park!

Loved the swing! As long as this kid is in motion, he's a happy camper! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Finally snapped a quick pic of these sharp little things!

All smiles

Smiling through teething, red cheeks and all!
Loving his new outfit :)
Happy with green beans, this weeks' new addition to his diet! 
In the front pack on a walk, one of his favorite activities!
Still loving green beans- even more so while wearing his new bib from Auntie Montessa and his cousins!

Friday, April 10, 2015

5 months!

Who, me?! I'm 5 months old?! 
5 months old and growing fast!! I am learning new things and changing every day. I've turned in to quite a silly, happy, LOUD baby these days! My giggle is hilarious, and I think dancing, being naked, and getting tickled are the funniest things! I love my new walker and can scoot all around the kitchen. I have two teeny tiny bottom teeth and get really red cheeks when I'm teething, it's adorable! I'm eating solid foods, have tasted avocado, bananas, sweet potatoes, green beans and rice cereal, and love to make a giant mess in my high chair. I still love being carried in the front pack and will walk around for hours quite happy. Took my first road trip to Vancouver and did awesome, getting more tolerant of the car seat every day ;) I've grown out of so many clothes, I'm now wearing mostly 6 month clothes but can fit in a few 6-9 month outfits and look so big! I don't sit still long, these days I play hard, but am starting to enjoy a good, long nap in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon too. I sleep awesome during the night, sometimes wake up to eat, and other times just wake up to play and talk to myself for an hour or so before going back to sleep. I'm going to give my mommy and daddy a run for their money!!

Monday, April 6, 2015

First Easter!

Happy Easter!!
New hat that I found in my Easter basket! Got spoiled today :) 
Found an egg.... Sucked on it awhile, but had to give the treats inside to mommy :) 
First Easter egg hunt at Grammy and Papa's house... We found 2! 
New shades to match my hat... Easter bunny was good to me!