Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ty's 3 month pics!

Ty's 3 month pics! He just keeps getting sweeter! Started laughing this past month, it's hilarious, a good belly chuckle. Pretty easy to make this little guy smile and laugh, he's just so darn happy all the time. Still rolling over a lot, hard to get tummy time since he's mastered the flip-over! He sleeps great, goes anywhere from 5-12 hours at night between waking/feeding. He's babbling more and more and starting to really notice his hands and feet. Mama just had to pack up some of the 0-3 month clothes today since he's packing on some chub finally! We also moved up to size 2 diapers today. He's growing so fast! 

Maddax at 21 months

Impossible to get many pictures, because he NEVER stops moving! 

Tyson's 2 month pics!

2 month pics, taken August 14th!! This sweet little boy started smiling at 6 weeks and hasn't stopped since. He is just the sweetest, loves to snuggle and is finding his voice! Cooing constantly, especially when he gets to lay on his playmat which he loves so much! At two months he has rolled over front to back several times and is sleeping about 5-6 hour stretches at night between feeds. He is SO SWEET! 

Play-doh 'so super awesome!'

Unbelievably fun. For 45 minutes!! 

'Baf in mamas tub!'

Such a big boy in this giant tub! Again, a new favorite spot ;)

Monday, September 12, 2016

'Read in daddy's bed!'

Had to put another basket of books in mommy and daddy's room, this is Maddax's new favorite spot to read! 

More close ups. Just because!

All smiles!

This handsome little guy started really smiling at 6 weeks! This was the first day I had caught them on camera. He's almost 3 months now and he's never stopped smiling since this day ;) 

Story time!

Maddax reading his favorite book to Tyson- it's a big book, no colors and minimal pictures, but he absolutely adores it. So much so that he's sharing it with his brother :) 

Mr Adorable

Mr Adorable, indeed! 


Letters. Always letters. This time, he's matching his letter cards up with the big floor letters. Sometimes mommy and daddy want to hide the letters, but were surrounded by them!!! ;) 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Roaring Springs

Daddy's work had a party at Roaring Springs, so we left Tyson with Na and went to play! Maddax played with the same little fountain for an hour, threw some rocks, had ice cream and was ready to go home and eat pizza :)

Enough already!

Please, mom, enough with the pictures! 

Time to learn, baby Ty!

Teaching Baby Ty to sing 'head, shoulders, knees and toes!' Such a good big brother! He also taught him where his eyes were but mama had to intervene when he wanted to actually poke them :) 

Sleep is overrated

This is what happened the morning after Maddax stayed awake until 3 am at the cabin.... He slept 22 mins on the way home, 'sleep on mamas hand!' ;) The cabin is just way too exciting to rest! 

Caught another one!

Got another fish!! Getting good at this ;)
Water was just too tempting, had to get naked and test it out! 
Throwing rocks, our favorite! 
And climbing rocks! A giant pile of gravel is enough to keep this boy happy!