Sunday, August 14, 2016

A bunch of baby cuteness!

Oh, this face!! 

Brotherly love

'Holding Baby Ty!'
Maddax is trying to figure out just how to play with this little guy... 

Hair stylin'

Mama turned her back for 2 seconds, and Maddax used lotion as hair gel. Turns out, works pretty well! 

Ty's one month pics!

Handsome little one-month old! First month flew by, he and his big brother keep mommy and daddy busy! This little guy is just the sweetest, very much a snuggler, and easy to put to sleep. Maddax loves him and has to know where he is at all times. Despite the lack of sleep for parents, the first month has gone very smoothly! 

Handsome brothers!!

Just look at these handsome boys! Ty was 4 weeks in these pics, Ax was 20 months :) Glad they humored mama for a few photos! 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Whose kid is this, anyway?

At least the potty seat is getting some kind of use! 

Fourth of July and fishing!

All strapped in and ready to go! Headed to the cabin for the 4th of July family reunion. Ty was just 3 weeks, and Ax had just turned 20 months! 
Family photo! In our reunion shirts 
Cousin Syndie :) Boys love her! 
Baby Ty with Aunt Darla
Out fishing with mommy, daddy, and Papa. We had to chase a few cows before the fishing got started.
Got one!!
Not too sure about holding him, but did ask to 'kiss it!' 
Poor little fish went for the ride of his life, Ax had so much fun making him 'fly'....
Successful trip! 

'Yellow dip'

He discovered mustard. And he loves it! 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

More fun with cousins!

Swimming with 'Ashie!' Not too interested in the pool, but loved the hot tub! Probably because it was about the temperature of his nightly bath ;) Cozy as can be on Ashley's lap! 
Baby Ty hanging out with Na
Lots of love and cuddles from Auntie and cousins! 
Gracie is such a good playmate! 
Cousins :) 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Found more sprinklers!

If you look closely you can see them... A GIANT park to play in, but this kid is way more interested in getting wet. Good daddy to appease him :) 

Swimming with Na

Ha! Love this one!
Relaxing after his afternoon in the sun... Must still be bright :)