Monday, February 29, 2016

Swings and tunnels!

Enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon! All his favorite activities :) 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Too busy learning....

While mommy and daddy play football in the living room, this studious little child practices his letters and sounds.... 

Can't see anything!

It's all fun and games until he actually runs into something! 

Eating toilet paper

If he wasn't so stinking cute I could tell him not to eat that ;) 


Skateboarding on mamas cookie sheet... In the bathroom! This kid has some goofy ideas ;) 


No words for this ;) 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Energizer baby

Baby on the loose!
Must. Keep. Going!! He ran about a mile then finally got tired... But still too stubborn to take a ride in the stroller! He'd rather crawl home ;) 
Relaxing at home with a good book after our long hike! 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

New shades

Reading a book to Grammy with his new shades on... Wouldn't take them off! They look just like the ones daddy and Papa wear, he thought he was pretty cool ;) 
New 'swing swing', his favorite! Thanks Grammy and Papa for the Valentines present! 

What a stud

Wearing shades like Papa! 
So. Cool.
Checking out the toys at Kleiner Park with Grammy and Papa! He was lucky and got to have them both to himself all day! 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Crocodile love

I think he likes his new Valentines crocodile from Na :) 

Hooray for warmer weather!

Enjoying the beautiful weather at the park!! Of allllll the toys at the park, we spent most of our time at these numbers, reading them over and over and over ;) 
Too busy to sit in the stroller! Kept his mama running!
Back outside after nap, just kicked back while daddy pulls the wagon ;) 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

On the go!

Hard to get a picture of this kid outside because he never stops moving! 

15 months!

15 months!! Now that he's a big kid, he only sits still for two pictures, so thank goodness they were good ones! This past month has been insane with the amount of things this little guy has learned!! He suddenly knows all his numbers 0-9 and points them out EVERYwhere... Grocery shopping takes a long time these days, since we read every single price tag and sale sign! He also knows several letters and gets very excited when he recognizes them. In books, on signs, on food packages, on license plates, etc etc :) His favorite number right now is 8, and letter is 'T'. Celebrated his 15 month birthday with a 15th tooth! He has enough teeth to eat a steak, but still prefers his favorite fruits, veggies and of course avocado. He's chomping at the bit for some nice spring weather, and so are his parents!! He is definitely going to be an outdoors kiddo. 

Saturday play day!

Brushing teeth to get ready for a fun day! 
Lunch at Texas Roadhouse. My Nike boys :) we all left very full! 
Stopped at Zurchers after lunch to find some things for Gracie's birthday party... I think Ax wants to go with a farm theme ;)
Out to run errands... Of all the hundreds of books this kid has, this is the one he chose to read all day... Even in the car... He's obsessed with reading page numbers! Or maybe he just really wants to be a triathlete, I don't know! 
Finished off the day with a good wrestling match. Mickey lost.