Friday, July 31, 2015

New house!

Empty house.... Before the truckloads of our stuff showed up!!
Having some rice and beans... A first... While the unpacking begins!
What a mess!!
Somebody likes his new big bathtub!!
So far, this is the best place to play in the house. Endless possibilities in a pantry :)
Housewarming gifts!! 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Just being adorable :)

How cute is this face?!
Helping mama pack up the kitchen!
Playing basketball with his animal friends :) These crib bumpers are his absolute favorite! 
Out to lunch with mommy and daddy... He's the loudest (but happiest!) baby around! He keeps everyone entertained when we go out in public! 
Full tummy, happy baby :)


We're convinced he has an early love for golf... Or maybe is it baton twirling?! Could just be that he has impressive ninja skills ;) 
Regardless, he doesn't go far without his golf club :) 

More misc camping pics!

A few more pictures from our fun 4th of July weekend that just came in!

So many teeth!!

So, the day after I posted Maddax's 8 month update, he sprouted 2 more teeth! Literally just woke up with them. They are adorable.
4 little chompers on the top!
And just the 2 tiny ones on the bottom still :) 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

8 months old!!

8 months old!! Hard to believe, time is flying by and this baby is growing way too fast! He's getting sillier by the day- just a happy, loud, healthy, wiggly little monkey! Never ever stops moving and very rarely stops singing. He sings himself to sleep at night and babbles and screeches all day long. He is growing out of the front pack, but thankfully loves riding in the stroller now and will let mommy go for runs with him in the mornings! We often take stroller rides in the evenings as well with daddy, and this little guy is happy to sit back, babble away and drink water from his new sippy cup which he manages very well on his own! Still eating like a horse, and even tried his first meal with chicken the other day. He loves to munch on Rice Krispies, and his parents love to hear the little sound of his tiny teeth biting the cereal ;) still has just the four teeth, but is drooling like a few more may be on their way. Started crawling recently, it's adorable, he's created his very own version of the crawl- pulls himself along with his hands and pushes off with his feet. He has also pulled himself up a few times from sitting to standing and likes to stand against the couch and play with his toys. His parents are a bit fearful of his newly discovered mobility- once he starts walking we may never be able to keep up!! LOVE this baby!
Aaaand.... Picture time is over!

4th of July weekend- round 3 pics!

The whole family!
All the Stones :)
And just our little family! 
Cousins. These girls adore this baby. And he sure loves them back!!
Driving home after a busy fun-filled weekend- we had one tired little guy in the backseat! A great vacation!

4th of July weekend- round 2 pics!

Stroller ride through the woods with this all American hunk!
This little guy absolutely adores cousin Syndie!

Took a drive to a nearby creek to play in the water! Water was freezing cold, but this baby didn't care at all! Mama had to keep pulling him out even though he did NOT want to get out! Just sat right down and splashed away. Even touched a little frog :)
A very fun family day!