Friday, July 29, 2016

'Kiss it!'

Ty doesn't seem thrilled ;) 
Getting more tolerant...
Maybe kinda enjoying the kisses now! 
Aaaand, slightly terrified again ;)
Maddax asks constantly: 'Kiss it! Kiss it baby Ty?!' He loves his new brother! 

Singing face

Cousins in town!

Meeting Gracie! What a great little helper she is, very comfortable and gentle with this little guy!
Carter did great too- he was happy holding Ty as long as SportsCenter was on ;) 
Playing outside in sandbox! Maddax was thrilled to have his cousins around.
Pretty impossible to get a pic of all 4 kids.....
Look at that hair! 
Outside with both my boys! 
Handsome little squirt :) 

'Mow-mow wif daddy!'

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sweet baby boy! Misc cuteness

Tiny bambino! 
Meeting Tutu!
Freshly washed red hair! Mama loves the orange jammies against this hair color :)
 Sweet sleepy boy 
Aaaand.... Always sleeping! 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


Headed home!
Those lips! Just like his big brother :)
Finally at home! 
Ax is happy to have his baby brother home! 
Finally a family of 4!