Monday, May 30, 2016

18 month pictures!

18 month pictures, taken several weeks ago! ;) His 18th month has probably been one of our most favorites- he just turned into a talkative little buddy all of a sudden! Putting 3 and 4 words together, pronouncing new words every day, and just learning new things by the second!  Such a happy little guy, easy to please- loves his trucks right now, especially garbage trucks. It's an obsession. And dump trucks, diggers, pickup trucks, etc.... Anything big with tires, really! He gets funnier every day and knows it now- always trying to make us laugh. Love this crazy wild kid! 

Pure joy

Look at that smile! Na and Papa Tom took him to the park to play- all he needs is a hill to run up and down! 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Daddy's little helper

Helping daddy mow the lawn! The smile on his face was priceless, he was thrilled to be helping :) 
He likes to 'start it' every few feet
Stopping to stretch ;)
Intense focus here. Tongue sticking out and all...
All-terrain mower! 
So proud!!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Checking out Papa's work!

Checking out Papa's 'big truck' today!
Sitting in the big chair with daddy... Not interested in driving the trucks today but he was sure impressed with them! 
Watching Papa and the girls take a ride in the bucket truck...
A little unsure at first, but willing to stand in the bucket for a minute with Papa to check out the view! 
Finally found a real-life digger to explore!! Idaho Power has some pretty cool trucks :) 

New 'mow-mow '

I think his new mower is going to get lots of use this summer!! Thanks Grammy and Papa! 

Mickey socks

These gloves make great socks! 

Good ideas

It's much more efficient to use your mouth than your hands to turn off the light switch.... 


Love this chubby little body!! 

Theo, the very patient dog...

Chasing Theo's tail... 'Come! Come Ti-to!' 
Getting loves :) 
Playing fetch 

Visiting Grandma Tutu

Visiting Tutu in the hospital! Her curtain was pulled when we arrived... Maddax could hear her voice so he had to get down on the floor and peek under the curtain to see what she was doing! Then he tried to peek under everyone's curtains.... 
Eating an m&m while we waited... :)
So many buttons to push! We called the nurse on accident three times before she politely showed us the 'cancel' button ;) 
Back to see Tutu again the next day with Na... He liked the potty chair, perfect place to cheer on Tutu with therapy and then show her his muscles! 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tutu run!

Pre-race pic!
This orange slice was the perfect pick-me-up for Ax halfway through our walk-  he must have been exhausted from riding ;) He was enjoying it so much he even ate the peel while mommy and daddy weren't looking! 
With our medals :) Maddax had a great time