Monday, March 28, 2016

Happy camper!

Happy boy on his daddy's back! Loves to be up high and see what we see ;) 
A close up of those dimples :)

Brush brush!

Look at this handsome face and cute spiky hair!! He allllways has a toothbrush 
Oh, just brushing the wall with one of his 87 toothbrushes ;) 

Itsy bitsy spider

Singing the song, complete with actions, in Na's mirror ;) 


The obsession!! Thanks to Aunt Ashley, this boy can now talk about, and see, the moon ALL day long. 'Moon! Moon? Moon! Moon? Moon? Moon!...... ALL DAY...!!!! 

Where's Maddax?!

Has anyone seen my handsome baby?! 

How old are you?!

Gracie's 6th bday!

Cousins in town!! Ashley and the kids flew down for Gracies 6th birthday and were able to spend a few nights with us. Ax loved it! Was so confused, but exited, when they all came down the stairs in the morning since he had gone to bed before they arrived the night before. It's now been a few weeks since they were here, and he's still asking for a-a (Ashley) :) 
Reading books with caw-caw
And eating lunch with G-G! She loves to take care of him :) 
Playing at the park for G's bday party. We all had a blast! Kids ran around for a couple hours, had ice cream and brownies, and crashed at the end of the day. It was a perfect day for a birthday celebration. More pics to be added later, once I can find where I put them!! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Na's house!

Just loving his Na :) 
Look at those lips!
Teaching Papa Tom how to read :)
Keeping this crazy boy corralled! He knows how to open Na's front door. 

Messy eater!

He really likes hummus... 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Big boy bed?

Just testing out the mattress... For Carter! No way this crazy monkey will be in a toddler bed anytime soon! 

Cousins are coming!

His face when I told him cousins were coming to visit! 'G-G and caw-caw' 

Who's crazy kid is this?!

Little puppy! Thank heaven for Tupperware. Hours of enjoyment! 
Impressive! We like Kix a lot these days

No words. 

Cleaning helper

Helping mama clean... Kind of! It's interesting what I find in random places these days :)

Play day with Grammy and Papa!

Chasing ducks! So much fun!
One cool dude!
Hanging out with Papa :)

Letters, letters, everywhere!

Letter mat... New favorite toy! We can't escape the numbers and letters, they are EVERYwhere...!!!

 Just a cute pic of his adorable hair :)
Picnic with mama in the kitchen. Had to add this pic, I love the way he eats olives off his chubby little fingers :)

Only the coolest hats!

Daddy keeps this kid in awesome hats!

Toilet toy

I bought him this popper for Valentine's Day... He won't actually push it, just giggles while I chase him with it. Today he tried to put it in the toilet. I don't think he likes it as much as mama does!

Eating like a big kid

First night sitting at the grown up table! He thought he was pretty cool out of his highchair ;) 
SO big!! 
All smiles!
A little after-dinner, pre-bath naked truck time ;)