Sunday, January 31, 2016


New tent!! We thought it might be more fun (and easier to clean up!) if we set up a tent rather than a couch fort. He wasn't too sure about the tunnel at first, but after the first time through he realized it was pretty awesome :)


It's just too much fun!

Floor food

Maybe he's looking for any fallen food??he does enjoy a good piece of floor food every now and again ;) 

Baby BOY!!

It's a baby brother!! Ax has no idea what this means... But now he points to mamas tummy and says 'baby'! Even reached over the other day to rub my belly while he drank his milk ;) We are so excited to have another boy and give Ax a little buddy. It's about to get wild(er) around here! 

Adventures with Na

Outdoor adventures

Finally warm enough to play outside with Theo! We mostly just run circles, but at least we are outdoors! 
New bike! He loves this, gets to steer and look around... Feet don't quite reach the pedals yet but he doesn't seem to care :)
4-wheeling outside!! He now drives this thing completely on his own, with no fear. Mama has fear, but at least the grass is soft! 

This face!!


Where's Ax?!
Wrestling daddy in his fort. We build a lot of forts. 


Watching Payton's basketball game! He was in awe, all the commotion, sports and flashing scoreboards were pretty awesome. A little tough to keep him from running onto the court though! Payton played awesome, we can't wait for the next game! 

Alone time

I think he got bored of playing with me ;) I just sat quietly and supervised!

14 months!

14 months!! These pics are from 14 months even though this post is not ;)
Wasn't too long after he hit the 14-month mark that he got his 14th tooth! This kid never stops teething. The past month has been spent running, giggling, obsessing over stars and moons, and learning numbers and letters. Thank goodness for books, because they are the only thing that entice this kiddo to sit still for awhile! He's as happy as ever, growing taller, and losing some of his baby chub which makes mama sad! Growing too fast, but we are enjoying every day :) He's a wild one!
Borrowing Na's glasses 
And shoving avocado up his nose ;)

Crazy hat hair!!

I love his hair :) 

Where's dada?!

Visiting Papa Tom

Visiting Papa Tom in the hospital. Thank goodness he only had to stay a couple days, that place isn't very fun!! But we took him spaghetti and watched football on his phone, Ax checked out the whole place and entertained us all ;)

Vancouver trip

Pics from our first night in Vancouver! We visited Ash and kids from the 13-16th. Gracie had a little contraption all set up to pull Ax around while we were there. So funny to watch them all interact ;)
Having snacks in G's old highchair. With a berry on his nose ;)
Playing with daddy and Carter on the swing set :) it was a little rainy but we had a blast! Quick trip overall but so fun. And this little guy was so amazing on the airplane, mommy and daddy aren't even afraid to go back!!