Monday, November 21, 2016

Sun Valley

 Strolling along in the sunshine!

Ice cream treats! What a fun weekend! Mommy had conferences so boys got to hang out and play with Grammy, Papa and Daddy.

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Sweet baby boy and his giraffe!

Hot Air Balloons!

Ax and Ty had a fun morning at the balloon festival with Daddy and Grammy! Maddax really liked the Mickey balloon. Pretty fascinating :)


First day at gymnastics! Maddax was so excited about his "nastics" that we even picked out a special outfit for the day. It was a bit chaotic but overall pretty fun! All the kids liked free time the best- basically were let loose in a gym full of trampolines!!


We took Maddax to Build a Bear today- they have Paw Patrol characters and he was so in love with Rubble that we had to make him his very own. "Maddax love him!"

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Playing with Na at Jabbers! Our new favorite place to go, so many fun activities and toys for Maddax. He was exhausted by the time we left! 


This is how mama builds forts! 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ty's 3 month pics!

Ty's 3 month pics! He just keeps getting sweeter! Started laughing this past month, it's hilarious, a good belly chuckle. Pretty easy to make this little guy smile and laugh, he's just so darn happy all the time. Still rolling over a lot, hard to get tummy time since he's mastered the flip-over! He sleeps great, goes anywhere from 5-12 hours at night between waking/feeding. He's babbling more and more and starting to really notice his hands and feet. Mama just had to pack up some of the 0-3 month clothes today since he's packing on some chub finally! We also moved up to size 2 diapers today. He's growing so fast! 

Maddax at 21 months

Impossible to get many pictures, because he NEVER stops moving! 

Tyson's 2 month pics!

2 month pics, taken August 14th!! This sweet little boy started smiling at 6 weeks and hasn't stopped since. He is just the sweetest, loves to snuggle and is finding his voice! Cooing constantly, especially when he gets to lay on his playmat which he loves so much! At two months he has rolled over front to back several times and is sleeping about 5-6 hour stretches at night between feeds. He is SO SWEET!