Monday, August 31, 2015

9 month check up!

Just goofing around while he waited for the doctor!
Big boy today!! Weighed in at 22lbs 4oz (83%), measured 28.75" long (50%, finally getting taller!), and head 48cm (98%- that's a big melon!) He's doing great, super healthy! No shots today, we all left happy :) 

Sunday fun day!

He looks so big with his longer hair! 
Playing trucks, like always!
Daddy is always a jungle gym :)
Crazy hair after a good long nap! 

Long camping weekend

The cammo is necessary in the mountains :)
Loves it up here!
And also loves his favorite swing!
Most of the time Theo goes where Maddax goes... Even if he gets his head bonked by the swing!
Taking rides with Grammy and Papa
Finally crashed on the way home! He played hard this weekend! 

Laundry day

He sat here for quite awhile.... Longer than I would have thought possible! With all the noise, tumbling clothes and bright lights, he was in heaven! 
It was almost easier to push him around in the basket than to carry his chubby little self :)


He's so cute!!!


First time at the fair! It was great, Maddax was pretty fascinated with the animals and crowds! 
This was the look he gave all the animals... Wasn't quite sure what to think!! Quite different than pictures in books :)
Afterwards, we went out to lunch at Applebee's, and this little guy inhaled his lunch! He likes restaurant food, this time it was the chicken that was delicious :)

Play date!!

A day with the girls!! We got to have them over all day to play while their mom worked :) took a walk to the coffee shop and had snacks, watched 'Home' while Ax napped, then made cookies and pizza! We played all afternoon and had a great day! The girls even helped put together Theo's new kennel. 
Ax loves these girls!!
Oh, you know, just shootin some hoops
Intense game if indoor mini golf.... Ax was the roving obstacle ;)