Saturday, June 27, 2015

Computer work

Helping Papa Tom type on his computer at the hotel. Just finished swimming in the hotel pool, had a great time even though it was a bit cold!


Took this picture from the monitor, couldn't help it! Maddax figured out how to pull down the bumper in his crib and use it as a pillow :) Has done this several nights in a row now!

More swimming!!

These boys have a lot of fun together in the pool ;) 


Big boy can sit up in a shopping cart now! Hooray!! He loves it, those little feet never stop kicking :)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Fathers Day!!

It's Father's Day today?! Hooray!! This little man was happy about it!
These Cookie Monster jammies are the cutest. And daddy's favorite :) 
Father's Day lunch at Big Al's! This guy got to have a baked potato and avocado for lunch, he was pretty happy :) Played lots of games and was worn out when we got back home, needed a 2.5 hour nap to recover! We had a great day celebrating daddy!! 


On our way to the aquarium!! Keeping busy while our house gets shown. This little man has decided he LOVES drinking water out of his sippy cup. Good thing, because it is really hot here!
He was fascinated at the aquarium, kept a straight face and just watched all the fish swim around. Returned to his normal loud chatty self once we reached the gift shop area and he could touch all the stuffed animals!


This is how storytime usually goes at our house.... Starts out nice, we read a few pages... then the book gets eaten ;) 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

A few different 'firsts'

First tank top- we love the arm chub!!
First time wrestling a dog....
And first time seeing a bear!
First attempt at smashing and eating Rice Krispies (This turned in to quite the fun game!)
First (very slow!) four-wheeler ride, all strapped in!
And first time creating such a mess of his snacks that mama dropped him straight into the tub! Rice Krispies and banana were floating everywhere ;) 

Keeping busy!

Oh, you know... Just going for a ride in the giant rubber duckie. The things this daddy comes up with!! 
Look at those thigh rolls!
This Johnny jump-up is the PERFECT activity for our busy baby! 

7 months old!

7 months old!! Posting these a little late, because as you can tell from the pics- this baby keeps his mama BUSY! He's as wild and crazy as ever, but now a month older, wiser, louder, plus a little more mobile! He absolutely never sits still, rolls all over the place, inchworms his way around and is very frustrated that he isn't crawling (or running!) He has a few more new sounds and practices them all day and sometimes for awhile during the night :) Still sleeping well at night (despite the midnight singing every so often), and is napping twice a day. Eating three meals a day now, still has his same favorite foods but continues to eat whatever he's given! He now has FOUR adorable teeth, the top two came in at about 6 1/2 months. He likes to grind them, and still puts absolutely everything he can get his hands on into his mouth. We are taking him to swimming lessons once a week, and he has improved so much in the past 5 weeks! Will let us dunk him several times and never cries about it.... He does make sure mama and daddy are completely soaked too before we leave though! Kicks and splashes like a mad man and isn't very fond of the back float (or any other skill that requires relaxation, ha!) This baby is hilarious, we never stop laughing, he is going to have one GIANT personality! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Visit from cousins!

Getting hugs from Gracie... She loves this little guy! Could pretty much take care of Ax on her own ;) 
Boy time :)
Fun at the park! These kids love the outdoors 
Cousin time! Ax was starting to really enjoy having other little people around ;)
Hairdo by G
Cute little trio :)