Monday, March 30, 2015

Loving the outdoors!

Taking advantage of a beautiful Sunday! Outside learning how to grill with daddy :)
Happy happy baby these days!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Vancouver trip!

Getting wheeled around the house by Gracie... These two look like they could be siblings! 
G on her new bike, she's speedy!
Eric getting cuddles from Carter :)
Taking a little walk outside, nice calm weather!
Birthday date with Gracie!
We built a LOT of Lego houses!
New 'do by Auntie Ashley ;) 
Headed home... Thanks for the new tv to watch, Na!
What a great trip! Can't wait to go back, especially since this little guy did so well. He's turning into a good traveler :) 

First road trip... And first tooth!!

On our way to Vancouver, first road trip ever! This little guy was AMAZING in the car! Hardly fussed at all, played for a few hours then crashed. Red cheeks to start the trip- ended up getting his first tooth by the end of the trip! Tiny little white pokes in his bottom gum on the right side. Getting to be such a big boy! 
Playing with new toys on the drive up :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekend pics

Trying out the bumbo!
Loving these sweet potatoes! New favorite!
Daddy always has me in Beaver gear :)
Look at those dimples!! Cutest bum ever :)
New jeans and Nikes- this is one cool kid!


Love you, Na!

Yummy avocado!

Thanks mom, but I can do this myself! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

First camping trip!

Um, what do you mean this drive is TWO hours?! 
My makeshift napping station in the camper. These bunk beds are handy! 
Holy chubby! Finally got outside for a walk when the rain let up. Perfect angle to show off these chubby cheeks!
Came home and found a new hat from Grammy for the next trip! Hopefully there will be more sunshine next time so we can play outside! 

Tasty fingers :)

It's rare to catch me without my fingers in my mouth these days! Can't quite get all ten, but trying hard! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Go Beavs!

My daddy has turned me into a Beavers fan already!

4 months old!

I'm 4 months old, and getting so big! Had my 4 month check up today, weighed in at 15lbs 10oz and measured 24.5 inches long! Got my second round of shots and barely cried. I am learning new things every day and have developed quite the little personality! I've rolled over several times, can hold my head very steady now (and love that I can be carried forward in the front pack because of this!), and I try my hardest to sit up when I'm laying down! I take a bottle really well and like to help hold it when I eat (I also like to try and suck my thumb with the bottle in my mouth). I like anything and everything that can go in my mouth, and I've started grabbing toys and guiding them to my mouth now to chew on! So far I've tasted avocados and bananas and absolutely love them both, I'm a very good eater. I just started sleeping really well and only get up once during the night for a snack. Now that I've found my voice, I'm rarely quiet anymore :) A very happy baby these days! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Oh happy day!

Learning to soothe himself to sleep- took some great naps today! How peaceful :)
Happy boy today!!
Enjoyed the stroller ride in the sun much more with his shades on!