Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Pillow forts are the best!!
The girls came over today and helped build an even bigger fort... Which is apparently more fun for him to play in without clothes on ;) when we took it down tonight, we found quite the hidden stash of toys! 

13 months (and a few weeks....!)

13 months! Our little baby dinosaur is growing fast... And moving around even faster!! He moved on from walking to running early this month and hasn't slowed down. His vocabulary is becoming quite impressive, we definitely have a vocal little guy! His favorite word right now is 'star', thank goodness it's almost Christmas and there are plenty of stars on the trees and decorations that he can point out ;) Loves books, we read all day long, and gets so excited when he masters new words. New favorite foods include pomegranate seeds and spinach artichoke dip... He's quite the little eater! Getting very excited for Christmas.... Not so sure about Santa, but loves to say 'ho ho ho!' and look at Christmas lights! 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Hotel swimming

This chubby guy is ready for a swim!! 
Maniac in the pool! Thanks goodness we had the entire pool to ourselves, Ax went nuts in there!! 
We took Maddax to a hotel last night for a 'staycation', to get out and swim and have a little fun!! We had such a blast swimming and eating dinner, but ended up leaving before bedtime- our room was so dirty and gross we couldn't stay! Got our money back, but thankfully we had such a great time nobody was upset we had to leave. And Maddax slept like a rock all night in his own bed after playing so hard!  


We took Maddax to JumpTime yesterday... Started out with the little toys to warm up before jumping on the trampolines!
He mostly just ran around, fell down and bounced around a lot! Would stand in the middle of the trampoline and flap his arms so hard, it was too funny. He thought it was awesome! 
They had 'ball balls' there so Ax was in heaven 
So fun!!
Only one inflatable was small enough to get on- but he would much rather run around and see the kids than stay in one place! 

Thirsty baby!!

Double-fisting tonight! 

Friday, December 18, 2015


He kept pointing to this page and saying 'ball'..... I told him it was a cookie, so he bent down and licked the page! 


A little day outing to see the fish at cabelas... And do a little Christmas shopping! He loves this place. 
Having a stare down...
I'm pretty sure he thought he could talk to them ;)
As fascinating as the fish may have been, the blue lights below the tanks were the most impressive!! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Peeking in presents!

Na left a giraffe head poking out of a present... And Ax spotted it!! I put it back in the bag, and now we will just play this game of wrap and unwrap until Christmas day...


Selfies are funny!! He ended up with a case of the giggles after seeing himself in the screen :) 


Insisted on wearing shoes with his jammies... :) he was quite opposed to shoes for a long time, but now he associates them with going outside- so he's good with them! 

Train show

Holiday train show downtown... This kid loves anything with wheels! There were a lot of 'ooohs' and 'aaaaahs' :) 

Thursday, December 10, 2015